Plrfile.cpp 1789: Retcode: 0 for renaming to SAVE\Ciaran O'Driscoll\Ciaran O'Driscoll.PLR Plrfile.cpp 1766: Attempting to save to SAVE\Ciaran O'Driscoll\Ciaran O'Driscoll.TMP Plrfile.cpp 2473: Entered PlayerFile::Setup() Onscreen.cpp 2610: Entered OnScreen::Setup() Steward.cpp 2330: Entered Steward::Setup() Specialfx.cp 2804: Entered SpecialFX::Setup() Tire_manager 1080: Non-existent tire brand "" Options.cpp 1169: Entered Options::Setup() Hwinput.cpp 5225: Entered HWInput::Setup() Onscreen.cpp 2604: Entered OnScreen::Enter() Hwinput.cpp 5205: Entered HWInput::Enter() Plrfile.cpp 2463: Entered PlayerFile::Enter() Specialfx.cp 2798: Entered SpecialFX::Enter() NetComm.cpp 6949: NetComm checking command line: "trace=1000" I think the problem might be that I've overwritten some texture file somewhere, and now I'm going through the painstaking process of deleting everything in the "SeasonData\Circuits" folder and re-installing the tracks by extracting them to some folder outside of F1 Challenge and then moving them into their appropriate place.ĮDIT: I've found LogoMap.MAS, but now this is my trace file:
I downloaded a mod pack for the turbo era, and since installing it I've had CTDs whenever I try to load a track. I'm guessing this works similar to the fix for Pirro's head?

Yannick Dalmas isn't included in David Marques' 1989 mod so you'd have to take Dalmas' helmet from the 1990 mod, however it uses a different helmet template so without modifications the texture won't work in 1989. This renaming of files generally only works within the same mod. The original files stay unmodified so whenever you want to return to defaults you can just delete the renamed BMPs and the game returns to reading the files from the MAS. The game now reads Alboreto's helmet files as "belonging" to Alesi's car. I presume you'd want to replace Alesi so the correct file names would be 04-1.bmp, 04-2.bmp and 04-3.bmp.

In your first example you need to go to the 1989 Larrousse folder, open Team.mas with MAStudio, extract Alboreto's helmet files (29-1.bmp, 29-2.bmp and 29-3.bmp) from it, move them to the Tyrrell 1989 folder and rename them to match the names their helmets use. To change helmet graphics the first thing you need is MAStudio so that you can open MAS files and extract files from them. If this still isn't enough, either increase the diffuser DF further or reduce overall drag (BodyDragBase=(0.414) -> BodyDragBase=(0.404)). I wouldn't be anywhere near that even if I was using a wheel.Ĭode: Select all DiffuserBase=(-0.205, -0.7, 23.0) // base lift and 1st/2nd order with rear ride height If the competition is faster, just turn the strength down, you're doing damn well to be on 120%. Not quite rFactor simple, but it sure as hell beats GP4 in this aspect. The simplicity of it is partly why I play this over GP4 these days. If you want to get rid of Imola then just open its GDB file and remove 2002 from Filter Properties. The track should now appear in the 2002 season. Open the GDB file of the Sochi track in Notepad. shumacher) is much faster, 1'12'5 (120% strength) I have tried to rename 2015_sochi file to 2002_imola but it doesn't work.Īlso i am looking for good setups for f1c, for example i have made 1'13'6 in hungary gp but i want something better , I would like to replace an old GP with a new one in original game f1 challenge 99-02 of course,įor example i want to replace imola with sochi (from f1 mania 2015) i have already downloaded the the Russian gp